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Welcome to Charlton Primary School

We are a thriving, two-form entry primary school located in Wantage, Oxfordshire.

All the staff at Charlton strive to give each child the best start for them to be confident, happy and successful lifelong learners, preparing them for the next stage in their school life. The planning and teaching of our curriculum reflects our ethos and school values.

Teachers and Teaching Assistants are dedicated in supporting children to master the foundations of reading, writing and mathematics, as well as ensuring that our broad and exciting curriculum enables everyone the opportunity to find their passion and develop their talents.  We aim to achieve excellence through enjoyment!

Those who work at Charlton are enthusiastic, passionate and nurturing, and they recognise the importance of the role they play in each child’s life; inspiring them to be the best that they can be. The school is also committed to developing the practice of their staff, to ensure they can have the greatest impact on the children we care for.

We are very lucky to have an extensive and beautiful outdoor space, and the use and development of this is supported by all stakeholders.  It provides valuable opportunities to develop a healthy, active lifestyle and for children to learn how to care for our environment and its importance.

Everything we do at Charlton is centred around our values - Be happy, Be kind and Be responsible. This helps to develop a nurturing, positive and friendly environment for all.

We are very proud of our school and we hope that this site will give you some information about all the wonderful work we do.

We welcome visits to the school, so if you would like to find out more about us, please contact our school office to make an appointment convenient to you, and we will be delighted to give you a comprehensive tour.

A warm welcome awaits you at Charlton Primary School.

Mrs Sam Campbell

Head of School





I hope that what you find here will give you a good insight in all that our school has to offer.

At Charlton, we believe that the strengths of the school lie firmly in it's commitment to viewing each child as an individual. Charlton Primary provides an environment where every child’s talents and passions are nurtured and developed. Inspired teaching and a passionate dedicated staff ensure that we deliver our broad, dynamic and ambitious curriculum.

Excellent pastoral care and nurture underpins all that we do at Charlton. We firmly believe that children achieve academic success when they are happy and fulfilled within an environment underpinned by our values ‘Be Happy, Be Kind, Be Responsible’. Working closely with parents, Charlton aims to build self-confidence and give each child the necessary skills to realise his or her full potential both now and later in life.

The Vale Academy Trust

Charlton Primary School is proud to be part of the Vale Academy Trust, but what does this mean for the staff and children at Charlton School?
For our children, it is our collective promise to offer opportunity and a rich education no matter which school you attend within the Trust. Through sport, music, science, languages, computing, the arts, trips and visits, it is the chance to experience and learn new things. We endeavour to make the connection between what children are learning and the potential it has to shape their lives in the future. 

For our staff, working together as a group of schools means that their professional development is paramount; if our teachers and staff are reflective in their approach and provided with the time and support to continue training, then our children will achieve more. As a Trust, our decisions and plans are rooted in evidence, research and innovation.

We are extremely proud of the ethos and community in our schools, shaped by our strap line ‘Building Brilliant Futures Together’, and the promise we make to all our children. 

Steven Rose
Executive Headteacher
Charlton Primary School & Millbrook Primary School

To find out more about the Trust, follow this link.


Charlton Primary School
OX12 7HG


01235 762861
