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Applying for a Place

Applying for a place

Information coming soon! Looking for a place within our pre-school class - Please enquire with the main school office.


The Acorns unit can accommodate 26 children per session.

  • A full time place (when available) = 30 hours 
  • A part time place = 15 hours.

Typically, we offer places as a combination of sessions to make up 15 hours.  Depending on availability, some 30 hour places may be available.



  • 15 hours per week, 3 hours per day
  • 9am until 12pm or 12pm until 3pm
  • Monday - Friday

Support with funding for places


Places for 3 and 4 year olds

  • 5 days per week
  • 3 hours per day, morning - 8:50am until 11:50am or 12pm until 3pm


  • 30 hours (Monday - Friday, all day)


Start dates

Our main intake is the start of the academic year (September), from which point we aim to reach capacity as quickly as possible for economic reasons. Once full for the academic year, space will only be available should there be a change to an existing place, e.g., a child leaves or once children reach the age that the ratios mean places arise (Spring).

We will admit 3 and 4-year-olds in the Autumn term in the first instance. Offers of places for the Spring and Summer terms will only be made if places are available throughout the year. Places will be available for children starting in the Autumn term only and rising threes (children turning 3 before December 31st) will be prioritised (see oversubscription criteria).


The Nursery terms are as follows:

Autumn Term: September 1st - December 31st

Spring Term: January 1st - March 31st

Summer Term: April 1st - August 31st


When a parent/carer contacts the school office enquiring about a place for their child, they are given all the relevant information they require and informed of whether there is currently a place available for their child. If there is not a space in that term available, parents are entitled to reapply for the next term/ following year.

Once the child is registered and a suitable place is available the school will contact the parent/carer concerned to offer a place and confirm details.


Session Charges

From September 2023, charges will be as follows:


Pre-school sessions outside of funded hours

Cost/charge per 2-year-old (until the term following their 3rd birthday) - £6.50 per hour

*50p consumables charge added per 3 hour session (automatically added to session invoices)


Cost per child 3 years and above (from the term in which they are entitled to 15 hrs funding) - £6.00 per hour

*50p consumables charge added per 3 hour session (automatically added to session invoices)


Joining Acorns for the first time - STAY AND PLAY.

Children are invited with their parents/carers to their initial session where they can play knowing someone ‘safe’ is nearby. This enables families to get to know the staff, children and setting before that first step of staying alone. However, this is flexible to the needs of the children and families, some children need more time to settle and this can be discussed on an individual basis.

Drop off and collection

Please note that cars are not allowed on site at any time. Please park with consideration outside the school grounds or consider coming to preschool by alternative means; there are bicycle and scooter racks outside school which preschool families can use.



Charlton Primary School
OX12 7HG


01235 762861
