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PSHE, RSE and British Values


At Charlton, we use the Jigsaw scheme of learning to teach PSHE, which is taught across all year groups from Reception through to Year six. Each term, a new focus is introduced via a whole school assembly.

Click here to read useful information about the Jigsaw approach


British Values

At Charlton, we aim to actively promote British values in school to ensure our children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Through our broad and balanced curriculum, children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance, and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

At Charlton, British Values are not taught as a separate subject, but are interwoven into our values and our curriculum. We ensure our children embody British Values and realise that these are an essential quality to have.

British values are taught through PSHE lessons so that children may develop a greater understanding and appreciation for these as they progress through school. 


Pupil voice is incredibly important at Charlton, and we have a number of groups which children are democratically elected into, including our school council, eco council, rights champions and anti-bullying ambassadors. During election time, children are taught about democracy in modern Britain and the impact of democracy in school.

Regular pupil conferencing of all subjects by subject leaders within the school help us to know how the school and learning is viewed by our children.


Rule of Law

The importance of rules and laws are comprehensive throughout the curriculum. These laws and rules that support class, school or country are reinforced through learning in PHSE, our RRS work, through regular assemblies and whole school themes.

Our children understand that actions have consequences and it is their responsibility to behave in the right way and to make the right choices. We have regular visits from the police and fire services, as well as our annual Bikeability course for Year 6 children so that our children to understand rules can be there to keep us safe.


Individual Liberty

At Charlton, children learn in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. They know their boundaries and are encouraged to make choices safely. Children are encouraged to stand up for what they believe in, and our pupil groups provide an excellent platform for children to do so. Our children are taught how to respectfully challenge each other and use this language across a range of subjects, giving reasons for their differing views.

We take part in a number of awareness days throughout the year, including Children’s Mental Health Week, where we encourage children to dress to express. Through our Computing and PSHE lessons and our assemblies, children learn about how to make choices safely.


Mutual Respect

Our school values encourage positive relationships between peers, and create a culture of positivity and respect. Our approach to behaviour is underpinned by restorative practice, encouraging reflection, understanding and empathy in our children. Through our RRS work, children know and understand that all children have rights and they have a role in ensuring that their actions do not prevent others from enjoying their rights.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

This is promoted through every aspect of school life, but particularly through the lens of PSHE, RE, RRS and weekly assemblies. RE lessons equip children with an understanding of different faiths and beliefs and the values which different religions hold. Through our unit on Celebrating Difference in PSHE, children are taught to respect differences in each other and values and learn from them.



From September 2020, relationships and health education became compulsory in all primary schools in England. For primary aged children this includes curriculum content under two headings (DfE 2019): Relationships and Health Education.

Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:

· Families and people who care for me

· Caring friendships

· Respectful relationships

· Online and media

· Being safe

· Preparing children for the changes that adolescence brings


Health Education includes learning about the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing.

Sex Education is tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of pupils. Sex Education in primary school is designed to prepare children for the changes that adolescence brings. Primary Sex Education will lead to

· preparing children for the changes that adolescence brings

· understanding how a baby is conceived and born


The National Curriculum for Science (a compulsory subject), includes learning the correct names for the main external body parts, learning about the human body as it grows from birth to old age and reproduction in some plants and animals (which could include human beings).

In primary school, parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory/non-science components of sex education within RSE. Further details of this can be found in our Relationships and Sex Education Policy (RSE policy).

At Charlton, we teach RSE through PSHE, using Jigsaw. The Jigsaw scheme weaves the expectations of the DfE Relationships and Health Education guidance throughout but specifically covers them in three units of learning: Relationships, Healthy Me, and Changing Me.

What children learn at school is only part of the curriculum, and children will continue to learn from their families at home. As such, children may come home and wish to discuss their learning. Jigsaw have produced a helpful guide to RSE for parents which includes a short section on talking to your child about these matters: RSE: A guide for parents and carers

The letter below details the learning for each year group in relation to RSE. 



PSHE/RSE Leads - Mrs Jenny Garbutt & Mrs Hannah Silk 


Charlton Primary School
OX12 7HG


01235 762861
